Why solar shades could be perfect for your home
Summer is upon us, and we are right in the middle, complete with all of the sunshine that comes along with it. Earlier in the summer, you may have loved that lovely kiss of warmth from the sunbeams. Fast forward to today, and there's no delicate way to say this: IT'S HOT. The sunshine is high and bright for gracing us with long, hot days, and may even prove itself to be more of a burden than a blessing for another month or longer. The sun so pretty (from inside), but can’t we get some relief already? One common obstacle that contributes to damper the summertime bliss is the intense heat and glare that makes its way through the windows and into the house. If you live in the south, the temperature is a challenge to overcome throughout the warm weather months, without even trying. That challenge remains for about six months out of the year. Don’t be fooled on the northern side of the country. There is plenty of damage to behold, thanks to Mr. Sun, himself. Th...